North Shore Bookkeeping and Business Consulting
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Organisation Reviews for Small Businesses

Organisational Reviews for Small Businesses



Many businesses do not have absolute clarity around their team’s defined roles and responsibilities. This often results in owner’s wearing too many ‘hats’, meaning they have little precious time to spend in a strategic sense, or on high-level activities that create real value for the business.
An Organisational Review will help you to build a functional Organisation Chart, visually defining departments, functions, roles and responsibilities. We will help you to structure your business so that it is more sustainable, scalable and, ultimately, saleable.

Business Review Benefits:

  • Increase your ability to make effective strategic decisions

  • Understand the key functions within your business and who should be responsible for them

  • Clearly define the internal structure of your business

  • Determine ideal roles for the business as opposed to fitting roles to the people in your Team

  • We will act as a sounding board for you to discuss your ideas

  • Gain access to our collective wisdom; our systems, products and services

  • Develop a business structure that you understand and have created

  • Increase efficiency and productivity in your business model

  • Develop a structure that will support future plans for your business

  • Clarity for your Team around their roles, responsibilities and career development opportunities

  • Increased Team engagement and satisfaction as they know what is expected of them

  • Gain clarity on what functions can be outsourced

  • Allow your business to be more sustainable, scalable and ultimately saleable

  • Free up time for you to concentrate on revenue generating activitiess


Enquire below for an organisational review: