North Shore Bookkeeping and Business Consulting
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Business Continuity Planning

Business Continuity Planning


Business Continuity Plan & Free Webinar

For your business to survive COVID-19 you need to have a plan in place. These are unprecedented times for businesses and their people. We want to provide you with logical advice to help you minimise the impact of this global pandemic on your business.

This webinar is designed to support small businesses in developing a plan to get through the coming months. A Business Continuity Plan helps identify the actions to take to prepare for the impact of Covid-19; to maximise entitlements to Government and other support available and to minimise the downstream impact of a downturn in business.

We are hosting a free webinar for small business owners to:

  • Help you build resilience in your team and family at this time

  • Outline the things you should consider now to minimise the impact on your business

  • Share a process, a guide and a template for creating your Business Continuity Plan

  • Give supporting information to help you engage your suppliers, employees, bank and advisors to drive empathetic and effective conversations

  • Outline some ways we can help you fast track the development of your plan

    This webinar has now passed. However to view the recording or to receive a free copy of the template and guide (mentioned above) to help you build your Business Continuity Plan please contact


Interested? Enquire below:

“I found the webinar very valuable, it’s good to have checks and balances in place, especially at this time.”
— Linley Brown, Hair Scene Hair and Beauty Limited
“Doing a budget is easy but you need more than that to get through a downturn. I felt the business growth list was very valuable and I’m looking forward to getting stuck into my processes. Thanks Amie, your openness to share your knowledge not only around finances but also business itself is amazing.”
— Gina Brumby, Evermore Photography
“I found the webinar very helpful and encouraging and I would definitely recommend to others.”
— Sarah Sharp, Hibiscus Coast Party Hire Limited.


  • Outline the things you should consider now to minimise the impact on your business

  • Maximise opportunities to preserve your cashflow and profitability

  • Get peace of mind that you are receiving all the government assistance you’re entitled to

  • Clarity on the assistance your business should obtain from your bank, financiers, suppliers and the tax department

  • Create a roadmap for dealing with employment issues

  • Clarify a process for looking after your customers and preserving income from them

  • Explore all options to pivot your business strategy in these challenging times

  • In the worst-case scenario, certainty about whether your business can continue

  • A plan to preserve the value of your assets and your wealth as much as possible

  • Reassurance that you’ve done all you can to minimise the impact Covid-19 will have on your business, your family and your team


Following the webinar you will have three options to consider to complete your business continuity plan:

  1. Planning Session: Work with one of our expert business consultants via an online meeting to develop your business continuity plan in depth. A fee applies.

  2. Plan Review: Complete your own business continuity plan but then have one of our business consultants review it with you via an online meeting. A small fee applies.

  3. Complete your own business continuity plan using the templates and information we’ve provided you from the webinar. Free of charge.

    IMPORTANT: The consultancy services outlined above are registered through the Partners Regional Network and 100% funding for these services may be available to your business. Please contact us for more information.